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4 Reasons You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

August 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — salmonbrooke @ 1:30 am
Close-up of a tooth extraction

So, let’s say you’ve had an injury and accidentally chipped your tooth. Despite the damage, you might be tempted to put off dental treatment. After all, it’s easy to assume the tooth will heal the same way a cut or scrape would. However, this approach would be a mistake — your chip isn’t something that’ll fix itself. In fact, the only way to fix the problem is with treatment from a professional dentist.  Read on to learn what to do for a chipped tooth in Fanwood.

To Reduce Dental Crowding

Sometimes, your mouth doesn’t have the space to fit all of your pearly whites. This condition, known as dental crowding, can cause teeth to appear twisted or displaced.

To fix this issue, a dentist can extract a tooth so your mouth has more room. The result would be a more properly aligned smile that looks pleasing to the eye.

To Treat a Tooth Infection(s)

Teeth can get infected when harmful germs reach their central nerves — their pulp. When such an infection is left untreated, it’ll eventually lead to tooth loss and the bacteria’s spread to other body parts.

If it’s caught quickly enough, a dentist can treat this problem with a root canal. However, if the situation is difficult, the tooth may need an extraction to keep its infection from spreading.

To Manage Gum Disease

As you may know, gum disease is an infection of your mouth’s gum tissue. It usually starts with gingivitis before moving to a more advanced form called periodontitis. The latter usually involves bleeding, receding, or otherwise sensitive gums.

In some instances, though, gum disease can cause teeth to loosen. When that happens, tooth extraction is a possible dental choice. The procedure could also remove one of the primary sources of your gum infection.

To Remove an Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth can’t break through the gums. While impaction can happen to any teeth, it usually occurs in the third molars at the back of the mouth (i.e., “wisdom teeth”).

To keep an impacted tooth from hurting others, your dentist may recommend its extraction. Otherwise, you might raise your risk of infection and overcrowding.

Ultimately, your dentist will only perform a tooth extraction as a “last resort.” Therefore, see them for regular care before that procedure becomes necessary.

About the Practice

Salmon Brook Dental is based in Granby, CT. As led by Drs. Kenneth Endres and Gunveen Chawla, the practice always strives to meet its patients’ dental needs. To that end, its staff offers preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, including emergency smile procedures. Whether you need a dental checkup, teeth whitening, or even tooth extraction, Salmon Brook has your back. For more information or to book an appointment, you can reach them at their website or by phone at (860)-653-4551.

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