If you just got dental implants, you’re likely confident they’ll work well. Fair enough – these metal posts have a long-term success rate of 95%. Still, you may want to up your intake of vitamin D. It turns out this nutrient can help your implants succeed as they should. Your Granby dentist will even outline the relevant details for you. So, here’s how vitamin D can make dental implants successful and some ways to get more of it.
Recap: How Do Dental Implants Work?
Dental implants benefit from vitamin D due to how they work. Given that fact, it’s helpful to review the implant process before moving forward.
Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are linked to your jaw. Dentists place them in the empty sockets left by missing teeth. As a result, they slowly fuse with your jawbone’s tissue. This fusion process – also known as osseointegration – ensures your implants remain stable and secure. That way, they won’t slip or fall out like other restorations can.
Where Does Vitamin D Fit Into Things?
Vitamin D assists your dental implants by doing two crucial things. These are the following:
It Improves Implant Fusion
One of vitamin D’s roles is to build and support healthy bones. It allows your body to absorb calcium and thus promotes bone growth. To that extent, it ensures your jawbone can fuse with your dental implants.
It Makes Post-Op Infections Less Likely
The fact is that vitamin D has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory traits. In other words, it strengthens your immune system to fight off infections and gum disease. This effect is crucial due to how infected gums can cause implant failure.
Great Tips for Getting Vitamin D
If you want to ensure your implants’ success, you can always get more vitamin D. The best ways of doing so are:
- Eat a Vitamin-Rich Diet – Eating foods like fatty fish, beef liver, and fortified dairy products will raise your body’s vitamin D levels.
- Get a Tan – Your body makes vitamin D naturally when exposed to sunlight. So, get twenty minutes of sunshine daily to produce the right amount.
- Take Daily Supplements – When food isn’t an option, you can get vitamin D from a supplement. Consider taking one that puts your levels at 600-800 international units (IU).
While you should be fine regardless, vitamin D can make dental implants successful. Feel free to consult your dentist about suitable ways to get it.
About the Practice
Salmon Brook Dental Associates is based in Granby, CT. Led by Drs. Endres and Chawla, our practice strives to offer highly convenient dental care. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dentistry. Our team is just as able to give you dental implants as it is dental checkups! For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (281)-479-2841.